Clean Monday – Kathara Deftera in Greek – is here again and we’ll celebrate it eating traditionally at all of our restaurants! This year, once again, you’re in for a lovely surprise when you eat with us on the day.
Hint: what do Greeks eat their Taramasalata with on Kathara Deftera? Yep, this Clean Monday like last year, we’re serving free Lagana Bread to all (while stocks last!). Last year we offered more than half a thousand Lagana breads on the day!

But what is the significance of the day? Clean Monday indicates the start of the 40 day Lent period leading up to Easter. In Greece, that period is called ‘Sarakosti’ which actually translates to ’40 days’, and it ends at the beginning of Easter. Clean Monday also signifies the end of the meat-eating period that is the ‘Apokries’ – the Greek Carnival season.
It’s a day of spiritual and body cleansing and a public holiday for all of Greece.

Copious amounts of Lagana bread, olives, spreads, seafood and pulses will be eaten on the day, as well as halva for dessert.
Lagana bread is an un-knead crunchy bread, coated in sesame that’s ideally dipped in taramasalata and all other spreads eaten on the day- Melitzanosalata, Houmous, Santorini Fava and so much more.
It’s a day where we’ll be spreading tables with loads of dolmades (stuffed vine leaves), giant beans in tomato sauce (gigandes), our fried Calamari, Tonia’s Prawns, Falafel, Chickpea Filo Triangles, Beetroot and Lentil Salad to name a few dishes – and sharing this delicious food with friends and family.